
Find Great Candidates More Quickly

Tired of unqualified applicants? Target your search to the executives, managers and professionals reached by MediaJobCenter’s data-driven, candidate-matching platform.

  • Save time and resources with Total Talent Reach,™ which transforms your job posting into a fully automated ad distribution campaign that targets relevant candidates across hundreds of leading national job boards, industry-specific sites, local job sites and social media.
  • Job-level campaign management technology works around the clock to make sure your ad is getting the maximum response possible from candidates in senior management, finance, sales, content creation, journalism, technology and marketing from across the media industry.

Hire faster with much less effort, cost and time on MediaJobCenter.

Job Posting Packages & Upgrade Options

Hire Faster, Smarter, and for Less with the only programmatic recruiting solution that campaigns your job on 100's of job sites with one click!

Basic 30-Day Job Posting

  • Our 30-Day Basic Package includes 
  • Total Talent Reach distribution, which automatically distributes your job post across hundreds of leading local, national, and industry-specificm sites plus instant access to our Resume Database
  • Programmatic algorithms will optimize your job post’s performance in real-time to ensure you get more qualified candidates quicker – all with one post!


Enhanced 30-Day Job Posting

  • Our 30-Day Enhanced Package includes 
  • Total Talent Reach distribution, which automatically distributes your job post across hundreds of leading local, national, and industry-specific sites plus instant access to our Resume Database
  • Your job post will get premium placement at the top of relevant search results with Priority Search.


Premium 30-Day Job Posting

  • Our 30-Day Premium Package includes 
  • Total Talent Reach job distribution to reach active job seekers plus instant access to our Resume Database
  • Our programmatic campaign will even target passive candidates in email and on Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter to make sure you find the right hire in less time. 
  • Additionally, your job post will get premium placement and additional exposure in our Featured Jobs widget and with Priority Search will be highlighted at the top of relevant search results.


Configurable Performance Upgrades Put You in Control

Total Talent Reach

All packages include Total Talent Reach™ which campaigns your job ad on hundreds of relevant national, local, and industry job sites and job aggregators across our network of 1000's of job sites.

Performance Boost

Puts your Total Talent Reach™ campaign into overdrive with additional budget and an aggressive CPC bidding strategy—perfect for hard to fill jobs or when you just need to hire in a hurry.

Priority Search

Priority Job puts the spotlight on your job with premium placement at the top of relevant search results on our job site, offering more prominent visibility and more clicks to your job posting.

Featured Job

Featured Job provides premium placement and additional exposure for your job by highlighting the job in our Featured Jobs widget.

Social Boost

Social Media boost to target an untapped audience. Full automation of ad display on Facebook and Instagram using Jobiqo’s AI models for text generation, image selection and targeting. Extensive targeting options. High engagement due to interactive elements (comments, sharing, likes) and modern ad formats. Mobile-friendly platforms allow better access to younger audiences (Gen Z).

Need help? Contact us at 610-649-79-89 or email us at